AFD - Albertville Fire Dept
AFD stands for Albertville Fire Dept
Here you will find, what does AFD stand for in Institution under Banking category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Albertville Fire Dept? Albertville Fire Dept can be abbreviated as AFD What does AFD stand for? AFD stands for Albertville Fire Dept. What does Albertville Fire Dept mean?Albertville Fire Dept is an expansion of AFD
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Alternative definitions of AFD
- April Fools Day
- Active Format Descriptor
- Appetite For Destruction
- Agence Française de Développement
- Arlington Fire District
- Active Format Description
- Arlington Friends of the Drama
- Alt Fan Dragons
View 93 other definitions of AFD on the main acronym page
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- ATA Asian Tax Advisory
- ABFMB Atlantic Bedding and Furniture Myrtle Beach
- AIG The Adaptive Intelligence Group
- AGCI AGC of Illinois
- AVMS Altar Valley Middle School
- AHS Anderson High School
- AHCPL Arrow Human Capital Pty Ltd
- ASDML Advanced Surgical Design and Manufacture Ltd.
- AZG Abilene Zoological Gardens
- ASNSL Anglo Spanish Nursery School Limited
- ALMS Alberta Lake Management Society
- ATK Aqua Treat of Kentucky
- APCI Anderson Produce Co Inc
- ACGM Attitude Concept Group Mexico